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Associação Coral Villa Lobos of Itajaí was created in the early 1970's, when a group of chorists felt the need to try new musical genres. It was in 1973 that Jair Maciel Rosa, Acácio Mansos, Acácio Coelho, and Henrique Antônio Hefting began to gather to sing songs that were not part of the repertoire of masses held in the Church of Our Lady of Peace, in the neighborhood Vila Operária. On January 10 of the following year, the group officially created the Choir.

The desire to sing new songs transformed not only the repertoire, but the trajectory of the choir, which became a reference in the Winter Festivals, a traditional event that portrayed and formed the cultural scene of the city at the time.

Its eclectic repertoire ranges from Renaissance pieces to Brazilian popular music and sacred and folkloric songs. Artistic reference of music in Santa Catarina, the choir was invited to sing at the visit of Pope John Paul II, in October 1991, in Florianopolis. Over the years, the choir has participated in several important festivals and choir meetings, such as those from the Leagues of Vale do Itajaí and Alto Uruguai, the recording of the CD "Itajaí Encanto", Night of Candelabras, among others. In 2007, they recorded the CD "Associação Coral Villa-Lobos - 34 Anos";.

The dedication of the chorists is one of the characteristics of the group, which sees in music another way to celebrate their friendship over the years. In 2020, the Choir faced the worst challenge of their career: The sudden loss of conductor Jair Maciel Rosa and musicians Hildo Rahn and Nilton Silva, the latter also being the conductor of Coro Vozes do Vale of Itajaí. The loss of the three friends in a 45-day interval was a hard blow, but it did not prevent their friends from carrying on with the project started in the 70's: Singing and enchanting the audience with a vast repertoire and a lot of talent.

Associação Coral Villa Lobos is the oldest active choir in Itajaí. The Association had its Public Utility declared by Laws No. 1,422 of August 15, 1975 (municipal); and No. 5,173 of November 27, 1975 (state); and Decree No. 92,921 of July 11, 1986 (federal). The history of the choir is fused with the cultural history of Itajaí, and you can see here a snapshot of this history.

Who was the conductor
Jair Maciel Rosa

Idealizer and founder of the Choir, conductor Jair Maciel Rosa dedicated his life to music. Conductor-arranger and owner of a privileged musical ear, Jair was more than a conductor, he was a reference of friendship and companionship among musicians. It is not hard to hear reports of people who were or still are part of the history of the Choir about the conductor's patience in carrying on the work and how he was responsible for the union of the group in a harmonious way.

In addition to Coro Villa Lobos, Jair served as conductor for the choir of the Lutheran church of Itajaí and Coral Vozes de Itapema for 17 years. After his death in 2020, the choir passed to the hands of conductor Alberto Damián Montiel.

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